Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Stop being a pansy and lift!

Dear world,
Don't be a pansy lift weights! Wonder why you get injured or feel weak? YOU NEED TO LIFT WEIGHTS.

11/6/12 | got my weight lifting on.
Hey don't judge me. Lifting 12.5 lb dumbbells in each arm is pretty good. Did a butt load of push ups, sit ups, v-ups, squats, single leg squats, (imaginary) jump rope, and such. Oh, yeah and of course I lifted some WEIGHT!

  • shoulder press
  • front raises
  • lateral raises
  • bent over pec flys
  • bent over rows
  • RDLs
  • upright rows
  • tricep extensions
  • bicep curls
  • single arm rows
  • single arm KB swing
Time to step my game up. June is a long ways off, but time has that special way of creeping up on you and leave you feeling unprepared. Northshore Half- it's ON. I'm not planning to be a part of chase pack, no, I want you to try and chase me down.

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