Thursday, November 29, 2012

"No Excuses November"

My Da always tells me that excuses are like a$$holes - everyone's got one. And in my opinion, those who have no excuses are the ones with the sorest a$&holes. Riding that damn bike everyday doesn't make your bum feel the most comforted but the pain It lets you know your still alive and working towards something.

A great quote from the movie Major Payne is what I would love to tell some of my clients: "you get no sympathy from me; if you want sympathy look it up in the dictionary between shit and syphilis!"

11/29/12 | jogging stroller run
60 + minutes

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Running home

Your feet know what to do if you just trust them. Running through an adventure never really gets you that lost. You always intuitively circle back home. As runners we wear our heart on our feet.

11/28/12 run | jogging stroller run
60 min approximately

Our son hates to go slow.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Facts of lifestyle

There are no excuses. Anything you can talk yourself out of is an excuse! Stop making them and start doing. Everything is possible if prioritize and organize. It may be hard work, but its worth it.

I have my "Saint Ralph" moment daily when I tell myself to keep pushing. I have a dream that if I can place at the North Shore 1/2 life will somehow work its self out.

Don't give up hope my friends. The greatest things in life happen because people are craziness to achieve them. The things we are crazy for make us unique and interesting so embrace your crazy. I am the crazy runner chick and I'm okay with it.

Playing the catch up game

11/26 | steady ride high resistance
60 minutes

11/25 | Jogging stroller run :)
Cael loves to sleep while I do work
60 minutes approx.

11/24 | steady ride high resistance
58 minutes

11/23 | long ride 70 minutes with 1 minute power boosts on 15 second rests for 20 min

11/22 | long ride 65 minutes

11/21 | 7.5 miles with jogging stroller

Lots of biking and intervals for previous workouts and regular sets of core training, decline lunges push ups and squats!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Listen to Lebron!

If you have a dream, you should pay attention. Lebron James and Derrick Rose gave me awesome life advice in my dream. Probably would help if I could remember any of it and shouldn't sleep with the TV on.

What I can take away is that I should listen to my dreams and take them seriously. I see a sky full of lights and crowds cheering down on me. Man do I want to run and fly like hell around a lot up track.
Had one of the greatest runs of my life last night. Truth. The spin bike works to make you strong plus a lot of lifting. I have no clue what pace or distance I covered, but I felt like I was flying.

Today | spin bike 60 min
Tempo ride

Monday, November 12, 2012

Still in it

I'm still here. Fighting. Safely assume I'm working out each day, with Wednesday being my hardest day. Lets see if I can remember the 65 minute interval workout I tried to erase from memory.

2 min warm up
20 min- 1 min power ride, 15 sec recovery
10 min- 45 sec power ride, 15 sec recovery

Something like that... It was brutally good. Perhaps a tempo run this afternoon.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fastest way to get faster

The closer you are to naked, the faster you will run. Truth. You want to get the hell out of the cold so I'm pretty sure you won't dawdle if its 25 degrees outside and your wearing shorts.

Don't go giving yourself frostbite now and blame me. I do stupid things that shouldn't be taken to that extreme of a level. You might want to start a little chilly not freezing you nuts off. Fair advice.

11/7/12 | approx 6 mile run
Needed this.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Stop being a pansy and lift!

Dear world,
Don't be a pansy lift weights! Wonder why you get injured or feel weak? YOU NEED TO LIFT WEIGHTS.

11/6/12 | got my weight lifting on.
Hey don't judge me. Lifting 12.5 lb dumbbells in each arm is pretty good. Did a butt load of push ups, sit ups, v-ups, squats, single leg squats, (imaginary) jump rope, and such. Oh, yeah and of course I lifted some WEIGHT!

  • shoulder press
  • front raises
  • lateral raises
  • bent over pec flys
  • bent over rows
  • RDLs
  • upright rows
  • tricep extensions
  • bicep curls
  • single arm rows
  • single arm KB swing
Time to step my game up. June is a long ways off, but time has that special way of creeping up on you and leave you feeling unprepared. Northshore Half- it's ON. I'm not planning to be a part of chase pack, no, I want you to try and chase me down.

Endurance. Do you have it?

I'm not just talking about a hard workout. I'm talking about the whole training and racing cycle. When you don't hit a mark or have a bad day do you quit or do you salvage what you can and keep pushing through until the end? You challenge yourself to endure every hardship and still finish. You will have good days and bad days, progress and some regression here and there. Sometimes the best thing to do is give it all you got until you got nothing left. Ask yourself what would Pre do? Answer: probably go balls to the wall without stopping.

11/6/12 | 55 minutes on the bike
Steady state @ high resistance

And days your pressed for time? Ask yourself what would Sir Bannister do? Answer: probably run on his lunch break! Take on med school and break a world record? Yes- if he can do it, you can commit to something each day.

Monday, November 5, 2012

A little run, a little fun

11/2/12 | Friday- 6 miler at a very easy 7:50 pace. I almost felt guilty it was that easy :)

11/3/12 | Saturday- biking biking more biking.

11/4/12 | Sunday- stupid bike again
60 min total including 30 minutes of 45 second power ups with 15 seconds of recovery.

11/5/12 | Monday
60 minutes total including 40 min of 1-2-3 pattern (1 min hard, 30 sec easy, 2 min hard, 30 sec easy, 3 min hard, 30 sec easy and repeat)
*high resistance used while way

And a life lesson: be yourself and listen to your gut. It's important to not just trust in your training, but in yourself. Start kicking ass on a daily basis and you will never doubt yourself again.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I hope they have treadmills in hell

Actually I bet they do have treadmills in hell. Hell is probably one big treadmill in front of the TV that only airs the History Channel.  Hell would be never changing the scenery.  Pretty much hell then translates to my spinning bike. Clearly we have a love-hate relationship.  I love that its a safe and very convenient way to get a really hard workout in, but I hate how monotonous it gets sometimes.  The one thing I really do enjoy with the bike is that I face my son's sleepy-time swing and I can look at his cute little faces as he naps. That will always bring me up.

10/31/12 | Quick Ride
45 minutes at 75% intensity

11/1/12 | Solid Ride
55 minutes total
10min steady climb
45 min alternating 1min pick up with 1-2 min normal ride