Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Eat good too...

I wish they made "recovery rainbow sherbet," but apparently they don't. I can't say I have the cleanest or the healthiest diet in the world, but I do limit my empty calorie/sugar intake. This past week I have lived, maybe not successfully, but I have lived on Carnation Instant Breakfast, McDonald's Skinny Vanilla Lattes, homemade strawberry smoothies with almond milk, and sandwiches (one from Jimmy Johns on wheat bread). And yes, the occasional rainbow sherbet scoop for fun. To my credit, I believe I can portion it smaller if I eat it with our son's baby spoon.

I will do better, I know what I need to o to fuel athletic performance, but I just don't have the patience to sit around and cook all this "healthy" crap right now. Eating 3 bananas a day during pregnancy and stuffing broccoli down my throat does not inspire me to make any veggies lately.

Excuse me, but that hot dog on the stove is calling my name.

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