Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Born a swimmer, made into a figure skater, and transformed out of love into a runner. Through recovery of injuries, and rehabilitating fitness postpartum, my life as of late has been stripped down to an old indoor spinning bike. The Schwinn is my place for sweat, tears, and thoughts. Pedaling away the world gives inspiration to my workouts and clarity to tackle (some) of life's problems. In 2013, I plan to run fast enough to place in the top 5 at the Northshore 1/2 Marathon in June. Everyone tells me I should nap while our son naps, but I call b.s. I workout while he naps. Lord knows I want to run and I want to run FAST.

I'm starting this as my honesty blog - to give truth to my training. The whole truth as I know it and not an ounce of fluff more.

Exercise (usually) gives me a positive rush of energy so that I can be a more alert, and patient new mother. It gives me a self-confidence boost and a de-stress so that I can be a strong wife. Life often catches me off guard and my exercise-induced endorphin rush helps me deal. Today really caught me off guard and perhaps I  pushed too hard in my workout this morning to think clearly this afternoon. One day I will establish a balance and finally trust my gut...today is just not that day. Tomorrow doesn't look good either...Maybe Thursday I will get it right. Here's hoping.

10:39 AM | Indoor Spin Bike Intervals; heavy resistance (55 min total)
2min warm up
8 min of 15 second standing run alternated with 45 sec seated climb
10 min of 15 sec easy standing run alternated with 45 sec seated sprint
10 min of 30 sec seated sprint with 30 sec recovery ride
10 min of 15 sec easy run alternated with 45 sec seated sprint
10 min of 30 sec seated sprint with 30 sec recovery ride
5 min cool down

Yesterday's spin (10/22/12) workout was a 50 min steady state holding a quick cadence. Perhaps tomorrow I will take a recovery ride....However I think easy days when I'm not running are plain boring. Intervals pass the time on the bike and I love the feeling of a good sweat. As much as I hate the reply, "We'll see." it only seems fitting here.

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