Saturday, April 18, 2015

the stinky truth

It's what we call a "successful failure". That moment you when you PR without shitting your pants and waste time leaving the course for the nearest Porta Potty. Yes you made a PR but you are left wondering how much bigger of a personal record could you have attained without the potential pants pooping.

Life on the run. A series of mistakes you repeat over and over due to sheer will of logical insanity.  Aka the running addiction.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

there is no title to express the heart

Where do you begin if the only person counting is you. Do we measure our week starting with Sunday or Monday? Did we make enough junk miles to cover our addiction that week? It's a process and a passion of slowly losing yourself into a place of numbers and nothingness. Best runs I have ever had was a race against nothing in the warm summer rain. No finishline and no clear path just go and remove the technology from the puzzle. When we lose count we see a much larger, more clear, more beautiful picture because we then actually see where we are going and appreciate the journey instead of the outcome.

Tuesday to Tuesday - 81.7 miles 

Go take off your Garmin and get out there. The journey awaits.