Friday, February 22, 2013

You will only get as far as you go

Stop worrying about a race that's 6 months away. Worry about the miles your missing tomorrow.

Pushing the tempo all week
Sat | 9.34 miles
Sun | 60 min bike
Mon | 7.25 miles Fartlek
Tues | 60 min bike
Wed | 8 miles of speed work
Thurs | 45 min bike
Fri | 7 miles Fartlek

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

You're heart is where you put it

You're always in control whether you wanna own it or not. If you didn't love it, you wouldn't do it like it was your religion.

Is running a religion? Ill make it mine then.

Tuesdaily | 7.25 miles inc. 1/4 mile easy followed by 1 mile balls out. Repeat until you reach 7.25.

Wednesday | killer bike intervals 60 min. End of story. My legs are on fire. I wouldn't want it any other way.